The Allied Arts artist reception and juror's awards was a well attended event. There is a telltale sign that a piece is receiving an award - a small discrete nail below your piece of art. As the awards are given, the plaques are placed on the nail for the appropriate award. Cheat Grass Hills was nailed. It was down to the last two awards before it's award would be known. The Juror's Gold Award was given to it. The last award, Best of Show went to an incredibly stunning abstract piece that I was immediately drawn to when I looked through the gallery prior the awards. That would have been my choice as well for BOS. Were we pleased for "Hills"??? Absolutely! It is one of my favorites that I have done.
I am working on new work; finished one on Sunday. We will have work at the Feast of WW on Saturday as well as our opening at Le Chateau. Will take cards and some prints to Feast as well as originals. I am working on some small pieces for that show as well...
Another exciting item...I will be working with Barbara Bates from the St. Mary Cancer Center to provide some variety of art classes to patients who desire to explore different art medias. CarlyRae Hiphauf has agreed to do some classes and I have other artists on my radar that might want to get involved. Strictly voluntary; a means to get in a whole different zone than thinking about their health and serious issues. This will probably commence in June. We have been fortunate to receive some donations of supplies from Dakota Arts, Walla Walla University and maybe Whitman College. This is all about making a difference for someone - even a tiny one...
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