The images if 77 and 78 are not yet posted; these are 79-82. And I actually had an "Aha!" moment with that started with the images 77 and 78. Using Richeson pastels and some Diane Townsend on Wallis, I found the Richeson liked the toothy paper best...so when I started to paint 79 I decided to try the Townsend pastels on Canson paper because those pastels are quite "gritty", if you will, compared to Richeson, Sennelier, Schmincke, etc. With the Canson paper being pretty light and not much tooth, I thought the perfect combination might be the Townsend pastels with the Canson paper. Aha! They work well together! I put together some maybe strange color combinations; but the pastel went on the paper well and I think more layers could be added without filling the tooth of the paper. I don't have a large number of the townsend pastels, but I certainly liked how they and the Canson paper worked together. I will try some Unison exclusively on Canson next and see how they work.
I have not used an exclusive brand of pastels since the infancy of my pastel experience and when using the Canson paper, was always just very careful to not overload the paper with pigment. I am not advocating just piling on any pastel; but when you find what works well together, you do feel good about the process and not be dissatisfied with the results or the process to complete the painting. All the brands of pastels have a bit of a different feel and why not figure out which pastel works the best with which paper. We all have our favorites and for the most part we all use a combination of pastels in a painting because some brands just don't have a certain color that some other brand does. Anyway, try it! It's a good match!
Happy painting...
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