Sunday, May 16, 2010

Montana Pastel Dust

Being back in Montana in the springtime is always a treat. There is that sense of new with the new growth from the grasses to the wildlife. There is a relief that the winter season is in the past (hopefully).
So driving to Miles City via Helena, Great Falls, Lewistown, Jordan and Cohagen was a pleasant journey of new growth, young greens, a hint of an early spring snow storm. We stopped in Lewistown only briefly to drop off some new work at Moccasin Mountain Gallery and visit with Jayson, Debbie and JoAnn. That gallery is feast for an art lover and western artifact with original work, great prints, horsehair items, a great frame shop lots more. It's a place to definitely plan a stop at when one goes to or through Lewistown. Also visited with Betty and Al for a bit before heading east toward Miles City. Les says to me, "where do I have to turn to go to Miles City in case you are asleep?" I said, "keep going east on this road til you can't go any further; then turn right." And that's about it. You drive through interesting country - badlands like -, rolling hills of the grasslands, some farm land, past some of the largest ranches in eastern and central Montana and not so many people. There aren't many services between Lewistown and Jordan and likewise from Jordan to Miles City.
Chris, Michelle and Sam live in MC and we are anxious to see them and to go to the festivities of the weekend with the art events, the horse races, bucking horse sale that all are part of the Miles City Bucking Horse Sale weekend - much akin to the Pendleton Roundup I hadd decided to enter the Quick Draw event which has been a part of the weekend for 20+ years and is a fund raiser for the Custer Country Art and Heritage Center (a must see venue in MC for art lovers). One half hour to complete a piece of art and another 10 minutes to frame. I had been practicing and timing what I could realistically do in a 30 minute time frame. I painted "Fall Colors" an 8 1/2 x11 inch piece of cottonwoods by a stream. Once I started the piece, I felt it was going to go's a sense you's the one you want!!! Finished in 25 minutes and then to auction. There is always a bit of a fear that your piece might not sell for it's value; but this one did. Highest bidded and sold piece at $1100. Wow! The art center and artist both share in the sale. Couldn't have turned out better. This morning the art center hosted a brunch at the center which was fabulous with great food, music and drop dead gorgeous art show...Clyde Aspvig was one of the artists and I am a big fan of his incredible oils.
What a weekend!
Maybe later today or tomorrow I will work on the tail end of the series of 100. I will post photos when I get home. In the meantime, happy painting...

1 comment:

  1. at the next quick-draw, or paint-out you are at, can you take a quick digital pic of your work and include it with the blog-post? These soound interesting, and incrediable both!! Really enjoying your blog!
