So what do you do with old paintings and drawings? Hopefully one's skill level has grown and your current work is a vast improvement of what you did 15+ years ago! So some of these old paintings aren't half bad...maybe not half good...:-) but someone once told you that was a nice piece. So, I have procrastinated for about a month at doing a yard sale. The goal was to do a yard sale to alleviate the need for a rental unit. we eliminated the storage unit the end of May and have been gradually getting things in order for the yard sale. This weekend was "d" Day. And so the yard sale was done. We managed to get rid of a lot of stuff. So the old paintings came out and were sitting around...prices were very reasonable and 4 larger ones sold. And they were decent paintings. Now I still have a about 8 left that are framed in nice metal frames and I am wondering...what to do with the rest. Most are watercolors...I could do some collage with some, could enhance some with pastel...I am open to thoughts of others...
We just hung a little show at the Marcus Whitman Hotel. They have opened a nice gift shop area with local high end wines, jewelry, books...nice things. Wall space is available to invited artists and I was asked. I have 9 pieces there...mostly in the 9x12" image size; a couple slightly larger. They look nice there mixed with the beautiful handmade jewelry items and more.
Back to the yard sale...Some things left will go to needy; some tossed.
But what the yard sale did was allow me to get rid of "stuff" like some old desks that I had cluttering a work room for crafts and other non-dusty art form endeavors. So it will be considered a successful sale...even if I still have some old art...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Summer Nights
Monday was a little rainy and cold until later in the afternoon when the sun came out and warmed the earth. Just in time for M'Lisse's annual party. This solsice event is one I never want to miss. You leave your men and your panyhose at home and gather at her lovely home and yard for an evening of reflecting, seeing old friends and meeting new. It is always a treat to see who shows up at party. She always has a new theme for the event - this year - "Change" - bring your change, decide to made a change, go thru the change, don't change something good, etc. The :change" benefitted the HelpLine and the YWCA shelter. I added to the change with some clothes and toiletries as did most. We wrote the usual cards to ourselves to be opened next year; something we wouldn't change and something we would change. We ate fresh raspberries and ice cream, had some wine and sparkling water and made smores and visited. All the time she put into the event...thank you...So I wouldn't want to change my sense of humor, but I have a few things I can change - for the better :-)
There's no art today and maybe for the week...the Yard Sale/Art Sale is a commitment for the weekend...I am changing...some of my clutter will go :-) !!!
There's no art today and maybe for the week...the Yard Sale/Art Sale is a commitment for the weekend...I am changing...some of my clutter will go :-) !!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
As promised, the day is a little rainy and cool. We have the pleasure to celebrate Father's Day honoring Les and letting him be the kind ogt he hill for the day and reflect on my dad who has passed some 20 years ago... Les, Kate and I enjoyed a breakfast at the Stone Hut (one of the best WW breakfast spots) and then a little drive in the country and a visit to Hastings. Justin came over early afternoon and will stay for dinner. Les and Justin are enjoying some TV sports and relaxation for the afternoon. Kate and I are about ready to make a chicken artichoke and mushroom baked dish and top it off with strawberries and cake. Klicker strawberries are fresh now and there are none better.
Not much art stuff happening weekend is the "SALE"....yard sale, art sale...good prices on framed and unframed originals - watercolor and pastels, monoprints, giclee prints...some old and some new...It will be Sat/Sun June 27-8th starting at 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Emails will go well as notice in UB...may hae some unused art supplies as well. I am toying with getting rid of some watercolor paper - Arches - because I just don't use a whole lot of it.
Not much art stuff happening weekend is the "SALE"....yard sale, art sale...good prices on framed and unframed originals - watercolor and pastels, monoprints, giclee prints...some old and some new...It will be Sat/Sun June 27-8th starting at 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Emails will go well as notice in UB...may hae some unused art supplies as well. I am toying with getting rid of some watercolor paper - Arches - because I just don't use a whole lot of it.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Art and Pastels and Father's Day weekend

It's a beautiful weekend thus far in Wallyworld...I am waiting to visit with Raphael when she comes to pick up some new pieces for her walls in her restaurant in Pendleton. If there is an opportunity for a wonderful evening meal on a journey to/thru Pendleton....Raphael's is a must. Chef Rob does an all star menu and lots of good things. They are on 4th St, just off Court. Rob does a lot of dishes with huckleberries including Huckleberry martinis and daquiries...Raphael is, and has been a long time volunteer and support of the Crow's Shadow Institute of the Arts. Anyway, Raphael hangs my art along with some fabulous Native American contemporary artists - one being James Lavadour...The restaurant is in the old Raley house and it is a treat to just go there to see what the Hoffman's have done with the property...wonderfully rich painted walls, fireplaces, large dining spaces, small dining spaces, quaint bar area with lots of personality...all wonderfully appointed with both their collection of art and art for sale. Check out her web site and be sure to have dinner there will be pleased you did!
So Raphael took some larger pieces...and they will look good in her business. There's A Place, The Walla Walla at Pepper Bridge, a small Bennington Trail and 3 from plein aire painting in the Joseph area - one was a juror's win for the plein aire event last year..."Oregon Water"
The rest of the day I am devoting to the love of my life, celebrating Father's day weekend...No list of chores for Les this weekend, just doing what he wants to do...I bet there is fishing involved...some drives in the country for sure...
So Raphael took some larger pieces...and they will look good in her business. There's A Place, The Walla Walla at Pepper Bridge, a small Bennington Trail and 3 from plein aire painting in the Joseph area - one was a juror's win for the plein aire event last year..."Oregon Water"
The rest of the day I am devoting to the love of my life, celebrating Father's day weekend...No list of chores for Les this weekend, just doing what he wants to do...I bet there is fishing involved...some drives in the country for sure...
Friday, June 19, 2009
pastel artist notes for the day

I have had a great time visiting with daughterinlaw Michelle and grandson Sam while they were in town for a month long visit. Sam has gotten to spend time with his goofy grandma B who makes weird noises for him and rough houses with him. Can't wait for him to get into an art phase..:-). So they leave today for Miles City, meeting Chris (dad) somewhere in MT for the rest of the trip home. Grandma P is driving them to a rendezvous point in Butte.
I am looking around my living room, which has taken the look, once again of a storage room for an artist. I am going to do an art sale along with the yard sale the last weekend of the month. I brought out from the archives of the basement some older pastels and some watercolors...some framed some not. bargains, I tell you!
Kelly's Gallery on Main will be the site for a show sometime in September - I am guessing it will be the weekend after Labor Day...Also I will have art at the Christmas in July show at Wenaha in Dayton. I will be on site July 25. And some small works will go into the Marcus Whitman shop during the month of July. They currently have a couple of paintings hanging for sale along with note cards...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
pastel art in these times in Walla Walla

June 13 and a beautiful day in WW...I had the pleasure to sit for nearly 2 hours and visit with Sheila about art, quilting, shows, exhibits, etc. I am a big fan of her work...check it out on her blog "Idaho Beauty..." - the link is on my blog...We manged to get in the Saturday afternoon lunch line at Merchants and have a tasty lunch they are known for.
As promised I wanted to talk about the trip to Joseph last week...Because Kelly's Gallery (a must stop for art/collectibles, etc) really wants "local" paintings, I decided to spend a good amount of time photographing the area...Les and the deeogi's and I took the time to drive to the Buckhorn Overlook - road 46 north and east of Joseph and Enterprise about 40 miles. The overlook gives you the view of the confluence of the Hell's Canyon and Imnaha canyons in their rugged glory. I did one plen aire piece not far from there with the canyons in the distance. It is beautiful country. Also stopped numerous places throughout the Zumwalt Prairie to snap photos...watching a big rain storm travel around the Wallowa Mountains and then come to meet us across the prairie. It poured and I am only thankful to be on a good solid gravel road that at times was nothing more than a river of water. Once we got to the blacktop, it was even more relaxing to be on an even more solid ground, as the rain continued for sometime. The colors on the prairie were quite striking with the wold flowers blooming and the velvety green from all the rains. Took another short drive east of Joseph and did a quick little painting of some cows grazing in tall grass. This is the time of year this valley is incredible in color. It's almost too intense.
We met M'Lisse and Charlie and Dan and Lorie one night for dinner at Caldera's. It's a favorite spot for a nice dinner and to browse through their art pieces for sale.
Joseph is a wonderful place to explore small shops with great merchandise. Beecrowbee is one of those. They make the best lotions and potions around. To Zion is another great shop for all your wants in the jewelry line...great prices and very cool stuff.
Monday, June 8, 2009
art, art and more art
I have neglected this blog for a time...not for lack of interest, just a lot of things going on. BUT...this past weekend (starting on last Thursday, actually) Les, the deogees (dogs) and I went down to Joseph for the Wallowa Valley Festival of Arts. It's the 4th year we have gone and it's always a wonderful gettaway. This art show is growing every year and this was proof in the number of entries, visitors, etc. There was an added feature this year - a quick draw on Saturday night. Huge success! I have lots of inspirational photos to work from of Wallowa County. Spent a lot of time out in sunshine painting in the field. The two plen aire pieces were taken by Kelly's Gallery on Main to hang along with 8 other pieces of mine. Later, I will recall the 4 days of adventure in the blog; hopefully with some photos and maybe as early as this evening!
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