June 13 and a beautiful day in WW...I had the pleasure to sit for nearly 2 hours and visit with Sheila about art, quilting, shows, exhibits, etc. I am a big fan of her work...check it out on her blog "Idaho Beauty..." - the link is on my blog...We manged to get in the Saturday afternoon lunch line at Merchants and have a tasty lunch they are known for.
As promised I wanted to talk about the trip to Joseph last week...Because Kelly's Gallery (a must stop for art/collectibles, etc) really wants "local" paintings, I decided to spend a good amount of time photographing the area...Les and the deeogi's and I took the time to drive to the Buckhorn Overlook - road 46 north and east of Joseph and Enterprise about 40 miles. The overlook gives you the view of the confluence of the Hell's Canyon and Imnaha canyons in their rugged glory. I did one plen aire piece not far from there with the canyons in the distance. It is beautiful country. Also stopped numerous places throughout the Zumwalt Prairie to snap photos...watching a big rain storm travel around the Wallowa Mountains and then come to meet us across the prairie. It poured and I am only thankful to be on a good solid gravel road that at times was nothing more than a river of water. Once we got to the blacktop, it was even more relaxing to be on an even more solid ground, as the rain continued for sometime. The colors on the prairie were quite striking with the wold flowers blooming and the velvety green from all the rains. Took another short drive east of Joseph and did a quick little painting of some cows grazing in tall grass. This is the time of year this valley is incredible in color. It's almost too intense.
We met M'Lisse and Charlie and Dan and Lorie one night for dinner at Caldera's. It's a favorite spot for a nice dinner and to browse through their art pieces for sale.
Joseph is a wonderful place to explore small shops with great merchandise. Beecrowbee is one of those. They make the best lotions and potions around. To Zion is another great shop for all your wants in the jewelry line...great prices and very cool stuff.
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