So you know there is a major problem with your computer when you innocently log on and go to one of the major newsy sites like and immediately upon getting onto the site it disappears and is replaced by rapidly changing pornography sites. Really. Virus. So the computer got shut down and taken to the repair shop, where I hoped they would be able to salvage my programs and not loose my photos and my blog would still be intact. A week system and most everything intact. Seems like the only loss was my Facebook and that may be a blessing in disguise. It seemed to be a little much, but by the same token, a good way to communicate with people.
So onward.
Last weekend we took Cheat Grass Hills to the International Pastel show in Tacoma at the Tacoma Art Company. Beautiful gallery near the convention center, downtown T. Les and the deeogees went along. Mac and Morrie live to go on car trips and they are fun to take. Especially when she are disguised and thought to be "show dogs" by unsuspecting humans we come across. If one were to closely (not even) look at these two, you would know they are not show off dogs maybe.
I am being a little lazy in the painting arena. I have work now at the Wenaha Gallery for the Christmas in July show this month. And at the Whitman Hotel for month long shows.
I will be in Dayton on the 25th for their festivities for Christmas in July and most likely painting on site. I am working on some miniatures for a Montana show later this year. It's a challenge to make a quality painting in 25 square inches or less.
Back to the Tacoma Art Co...their last show was a quilt I have seen some beautiful quilts, but the ones in that show were incredible. They are on the Art Co's web site. I see the wonderful quilt art that my friend Sheila does in Idaho and thought of her work as I was looking at the work in the Art Co.
Oh, Tacoma Art Company...I LOVE that place! I worked across the street for 7 years (at Ted Brown Music's original store) and have fond memories of lunch breaks browsing both there and down at the Tacoma Art Museum. Sigh...I wish I could have seen that quilt show. Thanks for mentioning it - I will go to their website and drool...It really made you think of my work? Yeah! vbg