The dust doesn't settle quickly in a pastel world! I finished the poster for Whitman dance production and sent it on to the director...now on to two images for a backdrop...
In the meantime I am wrapping up the inventory for the Willow show and deciding what to take to the gallery on the Oregon coast. (Lincoln City visitors look for work in Earthworks gallery there) The two above are most likely going to the Willow show. I selected 12 of the Series of 100 also for that show. I am wavering between 8 and 12 of them for the moment.
Maybe later tonight I will go back out and do some more of the series of 100...I want to do some with an actual underpainting (wet) with Pan Pastels on top of that...
The weather thas been so nice and I am painting everyday with the doors wide open! Love this time of year!
I can reaffirm my preference for a couple of types of paper...Wallis and ColorFix...Also tried a few sticks of Art Spectrum pastels...I liked them...good strong color and pretty soft; easily blends...
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