The pastel dust is alive and well at my studio! I however, have not been working on my series of 100 in the last week or so. There were some other time challenged issues that needed attention, so the series got put on the back burner!
I am working on pieces to go to several galleries. The two I posted will probably to to opposite ends of the state!
First of all, the Willow Gallery opening was great. The evening was a blustery, rainy and cold one, but it did not seem to deter art fans from getting out. I loved seeing some of my former, fellow board members from the Carnegie Art Center - Sheila, Cheryl, Molly; as well as Charles Potts a respected poet/writer; a lot of friends as well...The show is diverse and interesting; worth a trip in to see! I loved Candace Rose's assemblages - most unique and interesting and Kathy Wildermuth's watercolors are stellar...(Les bought one and it will look great with the one of Kathy's that I already have!). Susuan How one of the photographers exhibited her work that were all of the Bennington Lake area. I have loved that area and it has been the source of several trips of mine with my camera. Anyway, that was an inspiration to go through those photos of mine and do some pastels of that area. The ones attached to this post are of the trails by the lake. I will do more; it is a most interesting landscape.
New work went to Wenaha Gallery yesterday and new work will go to Whitman Cellars today. The Feast Walla Walla is tomorrow and I will have a display area for art, as I did last year. Some of the small series of 100 will go there along with other small work and a few larger pieces, notecards and some giclee prints. So with all the scurrying around coming to an end at least for a few days, maybe I can get back to the task of completing a few for small works! In the meantime....happy painting...
The exhibit looks great. Having seen others at Willow, I can really visualize the setting. Wish I could get down to see it but I think I am all tripped out for awhile!