It's the last day of the Holiday Open House and it has been a success! I will definitely consider doing it again. I love the fact that people who have bought paintings in the past are coming to buy another. I enjoyed meeting Tim whose Mom, Mary bought him a couple of paintings in the past...and he comes and buys "October Creek"...which won 1st in Professional division at Joseph Festival of Arts. It has gone to a good home!! Enjoy Tim! So fun to see the Stewart's and my friend Brenda. And of course the Miller's! Having Carolyn here has been great. She is a HUGE help and so good to just hang out with a 25+ year friend. It was special to have the mom and daughter come by and visit with the little girl about pastels. I gave her some paper to test drive with her pastels and wish her good success. It was fun to see Chris and talk about art and rock girl! Thanks you everyone who stopped by...and Terri R for spreading the word from the Viticulture Bazaar!!
I will be working on a couple of requests for paintings this week...
The show at Saviah is hanging. I have a couple of places to put two small pieces. I'll take those out probably Tuesday and put up prices. The "4 Artists" show was looking good when I left on Wednesday. Diana is gracious to allow Jim, Sandra and myself into her space to show! Sandra and I will be staffing the art space at Saviah over Barrel Tasting weekend next weekend.
You know who has been the best - my Les. He mats and frames; put out numerous A-boards with Open signs on them leading folks to our not-so-easy to find residence. Cheers, buddy!
Check the blog regularly for new more daily paintings for awhile :-)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The first weekend of the Open House was a good success. I am hopeful that weekend 2 will bring more visitors yet! I had good feedback from visitors. Dave put the dates on the website as well.
Kate is out of the hospital tonight after complications with outpatient surgery yesterday. Whew! Carolyn got here last night and it was great to see her smiling face at the airport! I am looking forward to a week with her. Tomorrow we are taking some art out to Saviah Cellars to prepare for the Winter Barrel Tasting weekends Dec 6-7. (there will also be work hanging at Whitman Cellars [new stuff was put up a couple of weeks ago]).
I need to visit with Damon and Ceil at Luscious about the December show as well...
I was playing with some oil pastels today and using a palette knife...heating the knife and moving the pigment around with it creates a whole different look. Very interesting. I have a new miniature using this technique and more coming!
Sunday, November 23, 2008

the first day of the holiday art show was good. We had quite a few groups of people through and buyers! Since we live off the beaten path, it can be a challenge to find us. Les used his real estate A boards with signs on them with arrows from main arterials. Must have worked!
Mac and Morrie were pretty much exiled to the garage and back yard for the day. It was nice out, so they didn't mind being out. Looking foward to the Sunday sale...and next weekend.
Today's image is a pastel over a monotype done on shades of gray with a hint of a brown...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
holiday art show

We are ready for our holiday show! Les is out putting up "A" boards with our signs on them; the ad was in the Marquee, flyers went out; emails much for marketing! I'm including photos of the stuff hanging...there are 50+ pieces on the walls! Lots of cards! The handmade ones turned out really good! Some holiday ones and some general greeting cards. I grouped several collage pieces together and they show well. Les helped me so much putting this together - best boy friend ever ;-)...Justin came over and they put up a track lighting system...fabulous...thanks you two guys!!!
The painting today is a little oil's actual size is 4x6 inches...
Thursday, November 20, 2008

I just finished the tile coasters. I used art stamps and the StazOn inks and then coated them carefully with a spray clear coat. The trick is several "light" sprays so you don't get runs in the inks.
I have been in the studio and came up stairs and it's raining...hope it gets over with for the weekend!
I made a bunch of handmade greeting cards. Several designs for the holidays and then some basic greeting cards.
This morning I met Rossi from Walla Walla Artist's Alliance and picked up some sets of the postcards. I will have those for sale at the open house.
Les got the track lights up last night and they are great. They illuminate the walls really nicely.
Need to get back in the studio and do some more work. I have 5 more art print cards designs printed and they look good! They are of the latest pastel paintings.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
walla walla pastel artist

We have 50 paintings hanging! The smallest is 3x5" and the largest is 3x5'! And...lots in between.
The dogs can't figure out what is going on with all the moving stuff around and hammering. I think they must be thinking we are moving. They are getting daily outings with either Les or I when we run errands and that is a big hit.
I am working on cards today and some tiles for coasters. I am using the "Staz-on" inks and imprinting the tiles with stamp art then a light spray of sealer. They turn out very cool. I put felt "bumpers" on them for feet so they protect the table surface they sit on. There's a specialty shop here that carries these, and they sell for $22/ea! MUCH better prices at the show this weekend!!
I had more art print cards printed; new images. Saw the prototypes last night and they looked good. I will also have a few 5x7 and 8x10 images of some paintings printed. I am looking for things that I can take out to Saviah Cellars for barrel tasting as well...and I think some little prints will be good. The WW Artist's Alliance has very cool post cards for sale (will have some here for my open houses and also at Saviah). There are 15 different images from 15 artists and they sell for $17.95.
I had an email from Betty, my sister, today and she does these awesome wreaths and things; also does these great metal art year she is going to be part of the show....Hope you read this Bets! In case I forget to tell ya
I'm off to the studio to work...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our show is coming together; nearly all painting are hanging - at least the large ones. I have been concentrating on painting some small ones in the last couple of days - 4x6" and 5x7". Last night I did a couple with oil pastels. This is a fun medium to work with - I have a much more limited palette, but a good one for landscape.
The dogs and cats are looking at us like we are nuts with all the moving stuff around, hanging paintings all over. Alfi sits on top of the computer monitor watching every move while Spanx is more stealth-like and wanders around carefully looking at everything. The dogs Mac and Morrie sleep mostly; but have this look of "what's up?" when they are awake. here's Spanxand Alfi checking out paintings while I was photographing.
Monday, November 17, 2008

The new painting of the day is one that represents the SE WA least one of the landscapes, since the terrain in this part of the world is do diverse. It's about the color this time of year, the peacefulness of the late fall afternoon.
Backroad was just completed. I worked on some other pieces; 5x7" as well and had some good success. Another one - not such good success. I may not frame it; it just may go to the shred bin. That happens sometimes. You can just be painting and knocking out some good stuff and then bam! you produce a real mess; then you try to make it better; it gets worse; you try you've used enough pastel that could have covered two other paintings...finally you just pitch it. I of course have to hang on to it a couple of days. Prop it up somewhere I have to see it regularly; then pitch it. It's like the last chance...maybe...THROW IT OUT! Ok.
Most of the paintings are hanging on the walls for the art show. I still have small ones to get into frames. I am working on cards today. Flyers are in the mail an emails sent. It's coming together! I am hopeful for a good sale weekend since this is the weekend I am donating 10% of sales to Jim Pease medical fund.
Make this a great day!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
pastels, holiday open house

Les and I are furiously getting ready for the open house next track lighting for one of the walls, posters/flyers made and distributed and PAINTING!
There will be a big variety of paintings and other work to select from. I have printed a lot of new note cards of paintings and they will be offered at a great price. I am working on some coasters that will be ready as well. They are tile with art images on them. You see these for around $15-20 each in specialty stores and I guarentee these will be a lot less than that!
The new painting of the day and the new card of the day is here! Check them out!
Back to work...:-)
Friday, November 14, 2008
pastel art show/holiday show
The Holiday Art Show is a go! Details.....
The first open house is
November 22-23 and 29-30th
Bonnie and Les Griffith's
938 Mountain Park Drive
Walla Walla, WA 99362
directions? 509-301-1188 or Map Quest!
Offering...Original pastel paintings, giclee prints, Collage, Monotypes, greeting cards, Holiday cards, tile coasters...
The weekend show of the 22nd and 23rd will have a a benefit to the Jim Pease medical fund...10% of sales will be donated to Jim for his medical expenses incurred during his recent illness.
The first open house is
November 22-23 and 29-30th
Bonnie and Les Griffith's
938 Mountain Park Drive
Walla Walla, WA 99362
directions? 509-301-1188 or Map Quest!
Offering...Original pastel paintings, giclee prints, Collage, Monotypes, greeting cards, Holiday cards, tile coasters...
The weekend show of the 22nd and 23rd will have a a benefit to the Jim Pease medical fund...10% of sales will be donated to Jim for his medical expenses incurred during his recent illness.
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Next week I will doing one painting a day and probably a new card a day in prep for the holiday open houses. Watch the blog for those items that will be for sale. Anyone in the greater Walla Walla area is welcome to the open house - 10-4 Saturday and Sundays for the weekends before and after Thanksgiving and the first weekend of December which is also winter barrel tasting here for all wine enthusiasts! Also I have work at Whitman Cellars and Saviah Cellars as well as Carnegie Art Center and will be hanging work in December at Luscious By of the very best restaurants in Walla Walla, in my opinion. Ceil and Damon and Michael are great to work with and Damon is the BEST margarita maker!
If you are in the Pendleton area, Raphael's Restaurant has a great display of pastel paintings. It's definitely worth stopping by there for a meal - Rob is a fabulous cook and their menu is wonderful...they do a lot with huckleberries - from drinks to sauce for salmon (the best).
christmas open house,
pastel artist,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
new pastels/open house

More work will be available at the open house the weekends before and after Thanksgiving and first weekend of December.
Art stamped cards, collages, tile coasters will be available as well.
I decided to do something this holiday season that I have contemptated for some open house at my home showing some current paintings and monotypes available for sale. There's a lot of activity in Walla Walla this time of year with winter barrel tasting weekend the first full weekend of December and some holiday craft shows the weekend following why not? Some creative lighting, moving some furniture around to open up the living room and dining room and converting it temporarily into "gallery" space. So 938 Mountain Park Drive will be "open" for art browsers and buyers on the weekend before Thanksgiving, after Thanksgiving and the first full weekend in December. I will have some handmade Christmas cards, greeting cards, coasters and prints to compliment the original pastel and acrylic paintings and monotypes. I will be open 10-4 each Saturday and Sunday and whenever by appointment. Below is my original website of nearly all my work over the past few years. The archives are all sold; some in the current portfolios are sold as well.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the pastels on this page are all done on paper. Usually I use a sanded paper that has the similar feel on a very fine sand paper. Other works are done on a paper coated with a colored ground.
Some of the works are hanging in galleries in MT, WA or OR. If anyone is interested in prices and purchasing, please contact me at my email address - My web site is a good source for work done earlier this year as well. All archieved work has sold and some in current works has as well; so email for availability.
I recently picked up a copy of "ArtfulBlogging" from Somerset Studio...there are some wonderful sites out there! The publications from Somerset are fabulous and have been instrumental in the growth in my artfullness - especially with collage and art stamping. Another blog will have some art stamped pieces that I have done.
Loved the work of Deb Trotter! Another cowgirl at heart! Wonderful article in Winter '09 Artful Blogging!
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