the pastels on this page are all done on paper. Usually I use a sanded paper that has the similar feel on a very fine sand paper. Other works are done on a paper coated with a colored ground.
Some of the works are hanging in galleries in MT, WA or OR. If anyone is interested in prices and purchasing, please contact me at my email address - bzgriff@charter.net. My web site is a good source for work done earlier this year as well. All archieved work has sold and some in current works has as well; so email for availability.
I recently picked up a copy of "ArtfulBlogging" from Somerset Studio...there are some wonderful sites out there! The publications from Somerset are fabulous and have been instrumental in the growth in my artfullness - especially with collage and art stamping. Another blog will have some art stamped pieces that I have done.
Loved the work of Deb Trotter! Another cowgirl at heart! Wonderful article in Winter '09 Artful Blogging!
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