Seeing 2009 in the rear view mirror is a positive thing and I welcome 2010! Even though I have an issue writing it as a date. I want to put the "10" down first! Habit...it will take a while, about 3 weeks to change that!
Good things have started happening - some sales at two galleries already in the new year; two workshops scheduled for January and February AND most importantly or at least equally important - I am getting back into the studio space and painting. It seemed with the open house in early November, then the series of holidays and company, etc., no painting got accomplished.
Did you see the movie Julia and Julie about the young lady who decided to cook every recipe in Julia Child's cookbook in a year? Well, a pastel artist did something similar- at least similar in a time consuming project that took probably 3 months or so to complete...
So I have started working on a project similar to one I read about where this artist took one image and painted it 100 different ways. I can't commit to 100, but I am in the process of daily paintings in the 5x7 inch size of one subject and multiple color schemes for at least a month. My goal is to post them on the blog site and Facebook. And the idea is to think outside of the box and use a variety of color that perhaps are not the norm. :-)
On a more conventional note, I am doing a workshop at the Pendleton Center for the Arts Feb 27-28, 9-4 each day. They have great classroom space. The info is on their website. It's $150 for both days. It will focus on landscapes in pastel (soft) and using different types of paper. Contact the Center if you might be interested in the workshop.
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